The Bulverde Community Parks and Garden

Movies in the Park
Movie starts at dusk, but you can come as early as 6:00 pm and enjoy the fun! Face Painting, Kona Ice Truck, Food Vendors
Please do not bring alcohol, this is a family event.
*Bring your own chairs or a blanket.*
*Fun for the entire family!*
Come out early, pick your spot, get a movie snack or two, hang out, and enjoy park amenities before each movie. Bring a picnic for the family or purchase concessions while enjoying the movie.
The at-dusk, free movies are sponsored by the Bulverde Police Department, the Mammen Family Public Library, and the Friends of the Park; our goals are to enhance the community's safety and quality of life. Through community centered family events--like the Movies in the Park, Bulverde opens its recreational doors to residents, visitors, and families in the surrounding communities. The movie events held at the park are instrumental in creating a feeling of community and providing healthy activities.
Movies in the Park provides a great community atmosphere and is a favorite among many. Over the years, Movies in the Park have pulled an attendance of 400 - 500 at each event and is an all-around great community event.
Games and music (when available) are planned for attendees prior to the movie. All movies will begin at dusk. There are food trucks onsite offering things like popcorn, pizza, snow cones, and other tasty treats for purchase along with face painting.